Copyright Lauren Swedberg. All rights reserved.


                                         Kicks! Dance Company  


Who we are: Kicks! Dance Company is our Performance/Competitive Dance group created to give more dedicated dancers additional training and performance opportunities. We have performed at the  Harlem Globetrotters Halftime Shows, Miracle/Mighty Mussels Baseball Games, Holiday Performances at Bell Tower, and attend several competitions and workshops throughout the year.

Dancer requirements: 

*Ages 7 and up.
* Dancers are highly focused and work hard in their dance classes.
* Dancers need to be able to maintain correct technique to complete movements appropriate for              intermediate-advanced level dancers.
* Dancers need to display the ability to learn new/higher-level choreography quickly. 
* Dancers must be enrolled in ballet and/or contemporary as well as at least one additional style of dance to be in Dance Company.
* Dancers must be able to attend scheduled practices and performances for dances they are   performing in.

* Dance Company members are expected to perform in whole group dances as well as small group dances appropriate for their level. No one will be permitted a solo, duet, or trio unless committed to performing in our group dances as well.
Excellent attendance is extremely important as absences slow down the progress of the whole group.

Tuesday Practice (Mandatory)
*Some students may be asked to sometimes attend the other practice session for choreography.
6:30-7:00 - Choreography for Company Dancers in grades 2-5                                                                7:00-7:45 - Full Company Technique class (required for all)                                                                      7:45-8:30 - Choreography for Company Dancers grades 6-12  
I do not hold auditions. Dance Company is by invitation only and is decided by what I see students do in class.  Please let me know if you are interested and feel your child meets the criteria listed above.